Below you will find a few of the web sites built upon MKDoc:

- Help is at Hand
Help at Hand is a key government site featuring a range of online and offline resources for everyone working in community ICT, and particularly in UK online centres. This site fully demonstrates the features of MKDoc.
- Multikulti
Multikulti is a community site aimed at supporting citizenship through the delivery of appropriate and accurately translated information in welfare law. The site makes full use of MKDoc's multilingual features.
- Portland Partnership
The Portland Partnership is an ESF-funded project that enables Pre-Entry level learners to use ICT to help them learn more autonomously, and thus offer a more meaningful way for them to develop, practise and demonstrate their acquisition of basic/essential skills.
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Last modified by Adam Moran on 2005-07-22 15:30:57.MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
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