Building Communities on the Net

We offer low-cost web packages designed to support communities and bridge the digital divide.
"MKDoc helped us update content quickly and easily, keeping our site always up to date. The software was so easy to pick up - we have had over 30 editors using it regularly." : Kevin Morris - Web Maintenance Officer, Becta.
Our packages will enable you to:
- Quickly and easily publish your content to the Internet.
- Create and develop inclusive learning communities.
- Publish content in any language.
- Comply with government and accessibility standards.
Email :
Phone : +44 (0)114 255 8097 (UK office hours)
These packages are built upon MKDoc Software, which is Free Software and may be downloaded from our MKDoc Community site.
What's new
- Welcome to Help is at Hand
“Welcome to the new, completely revised, all round resource for UK online Centres. It is aimed at Voluntary and Community sector centres, Public Libraries, Colleges, Adult and Community Learning Centres, and private ICT providers.” — Web site re-launch. New MKDoc functionality.
2005-04-27 16:25:34 - MKDoc released under the GPL
The license of MKDoc has been changed to the GNU General Public License (GPL), this means that MKDoc is now Free Software. A new open development email list been set up and the Open Source community are invited to join in the development process.
2004-09-16 11:48:03 - “Best Social Innovation” award for Multikulti
The Institute for Social Inventions has judged Multikulti created with MKDoc the Best Social Innovation for the year 2004 in the Communications Category.
2004-09-01 15:10:56
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Last modified by Adam Moran on 2005-09-21 15:58:31.MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
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