Help is at Hand is a key government site featuring a range of online and offline resources for everyone working in community ICT, and particularly in UK online centres. This site fully demonstrates the features of MKDoc.
Help is at Hand

Flexibility: Remote administration with a dedicated security system for multiple web editors and authorised users to access sensitive data in protected areas.
Accessibility: Content can be updated easily and quickly.
Usability: Accounts are customised to a user's personal preferences. The software delivers email updates specific to each user's profile.
Interoperability: Complies with the e-gif standard to facilitate electronic data interchange in the public sector.
“MKDoc helped us update content quickly and easily, keeping our site always up to date. The software was so easy to pick up – we have had over 30 editors using it regularly”
Kevin Morris, Web Maintenance Officer, BECTA (British Educational Communications and Technology Agency)
“MKDoc helped us lead the way in accessibility and standards compliance. Help is at Hand was the first e-gif compliant web-site at Becta, which is pretty significant given our status”
Fred Garnett, Head of Community Programmes, BECTA (British Educational Communications and Technology Agency)
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Last modified by Adam Moran on 2005-05-03 14:05:26.MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
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